Welcome to TFFP!
a podcast covering software, hardware, and more.
10 months ago

Introducing Stem Roller: a way to separate music into base, drum, vocals and more

It's a review of an audio extractor this time. It's called stemroller and can be used for, well, use your imagination.

I took 2 tracks and extracted one to demonstrate how this program worked, I used the first one to show the output after extraction and then showed how the program worked live. How do you use demucs, how would you use this program? I even made a rushed mix but decided to end with the original so you can hear what the original sounded like before I messed with it. Enjoy. You can visit their site to download this app from their website.

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10 months ago

converting video and audio using AVConvert

Today, we go over Av Convert, a program to batch convert videos and some audio files on the fly using FFMPEG. This program takes the power of the context menu and leverages it in ways that are convenient, fast, and safe. Best of all, this program is free to use. If you are interested in the program you may visit the author's website.

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10 months ago

Blind games presents: forza motorsport: demoing new update - 11-14-2023

Welcome to blind games presents. Today we present, no pun intended, some new features in forza motorsport that were released including the new yas marina. I think I misspelled that track.

I am so glad they fixed some of the bugs we had filed with forza. Thanks goes out once again to super Blindman for the advocacy needed to make this happen. I hope one day we can be as resilient as he is.

If you want to support us, please feel free and do so, if you cannot the best support is word of mouth. After all, it's quality that matters over quantity. Welcome new subscribers. Also, if you want to get announcements of when we go live or when we are about to go live please subscribe to our announcement list. You will probably only get an email once or twice a month as I don't believe in spamming yall. Blessings to everyone. If you have any comments please feel free to contact me.

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10 months ago

Blind Games Present's: Forza Motorsport: let's paint your car


Welcome to TFFP. It's been a while. It's been a long time! I've been busy studying for an upcoming test, and I had and still have some medical issues I'm taking care of at this moment.


We go over how to paint the cars in forza motorsport 8. If you do not have this game I highly recommend this wonderful mainstream game. The following was written on the audio games net site. I can't remember who wrote it, but I will be pasting the guide in full. Enjoy.

Here's how to paint your car in forza motorsport, this hopefully becomes more accessible in the future, but as of right now it's possible to paint your car easily.

First, select your car in the garage.

Go to design and paint

go to paint car

You will now hear narrator reading about keep it clean message, you can go right and press A on, don't show this message again and the message closes.

Now, this window that appeared after that message won't be read by narrator but it's easy to pass through. the first option from left is apply decals, which we don't want, and I have not discovered how to do. The second option, however, is to paint car. So, enter it.

Now, a list of car parts will be shown to you, I will list them from left to right.

  • body,
  • hood,
  • mirror,
  • wings,
  • wheels,
  • brakes,
  • tint windows

enter any of these, and narrator will come back to life again, giving you full accessibility to your color choice.

go left and right to select a color, up and down to choose saturation. go to the next group, which is the manufacturer colors, and go to the next one after that to see all the special colors!

Note that you'll have more options in the special colors, by pressing X, you can choose brightness, saturation, and hue.

When you're done painting all the parts

go back, the game asks you if you want to save your paint. hit save to current car and your car will be instantly painted!

In the last menu, you can save it to your designs if you'd like as well. and you can rename it, all accessible with narrator.

Use be my eyes, gps 4 vision, google bard, Bing AI to check out your car! you have an option to have it on display full screen when you hit view car, in your garage after you select a car

Have fun.


I would like to thank Super Blindman for all of the advocacy he did on our behalf in making this wonderful game accessible. I've wanted this for a while and how that I have it, I'm in heaven as the song goes. If you want to see some races follow us on peertube. You may also follow us on mastodon as well.

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Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

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1 year ago

change reaction part 02: loose change!

Welcome to Change Reaction!

Welcome to part 2 of the change reaction is back series. We look at the "loose change" mode which I like, don't like. Lol. I still wish you could speed up the system voice. It's the wrong voice I think, still though.

If you want to support us you can either buy me a coffee, Yummy, or leave a tip in the tip jar for this episode. If you cannot support my work, please tell others about it. Word of mouth is good too.

This podcast was brought to you by Laired super foods. Are you ready to feel more energized, focused, and supported? Go to https://zen.ai/welcometotffp and add nourishing, plant-based foods to fuel you from sunrise to sunset.

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Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

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1 year ago

Change Reaction is back part 01: Classic

Hello to all and happy Thursday. Today we feature part 1 of a 3-part series demoing change reaction from Draconis Entertainment. I remember when I used to play their games on pc way back in 2006. I am so glad this company is back and ready to rock and role with reboots of their games. There are some flaws however unless I am not familiar with settings on my mac. The first being I can't change the rate of speed the tts is. You hear that when we are reading the instructions. The second is the loop [s are quite bad when you are in the menu music. I said intro music in the show. Woops?

Thanks to all my supporters. If you want to support the podcast so you don't have to hear these adds you can either buy me a coffee, Yum, or leave me a tip in the tip jar.

Thanks to our sponsor, Laird Super Foods. Are you ready to feel more energized, focused, and supported? Go to https://zen.ai/welcometotffp and add nourishing, plant-based foods to fuel you from sunrise to sunset. Use code tffp for a 15 percent discount on your first order.

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Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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1 year ago

Mist world: let's eat meat!

Welcome to TFFP!

Let’s eat meet? Lol. No let’s actually go do a dungeon in mist world. We do the bore dungeon. As my assassin I had trouble, but as my priest I had less trouble lol. Enjoy. Transcript is below.

If you want to support us you may do so by buying me a coffee or leaving a tip in the tip jar found at the bottom of this post.


Okay, so I could actually take a memory butterfly to where we're going, but I'm going to walk to the right. I'm going to walk to the left. I'm going to walk to the right. I'm going to walk to the left. To the left. Excuse me, person on a horse. Go west. South west. And we're going to go all the way west until we reach the side. I actually love it here. It's really... Bump into the wall. Someone else fishing. Hello, person fishing. Okay, so... So what we're going to do here is we're going to track all the way west until we get to... Maybe 80 or so. Now there's snakes here. So let's just hope we don't get hit. I'm going to go to the other side. There's snakes. Let's fly right past the snakes. All right. That looks about right, actually. There's a fake waterfall here. I hope I didn't miss it.

[screen reader] Side of the colorful river.

[narrator] Oh, did I miss it? Oh, no, I missed it. There's the entrance to the waterfall. All right, go forward a bit. I always end up missing this. There's the fake waterfall.

[screen reader] Side of the colorful river.

[screen reader] Side of the colorful river.

[narrator] Crap. How the hell did I miss Water Curtain Cave? How the hell did I miss Water Curtain Cave? What the... Hold on. Oh, that's how. There we go. I think I can get it. There are two waterfalls here in this place. I think this is one of them. There we go. All right, so there are two dungeons here. One at the north, which is Spider Cave, and one at the south, which is the one we're going to be doing. All right. So they're called Graceful Mountain Teleportation Circle. So, we are about ready to go.

[screen reader] It's going to cost three adventure points. Adventure Mountain Bore.

[narrator] All right. So, yep, we have three adventure points. So, let's go. Now, we have 44 minutes to complete this. I'm going to set this thing to all because we're going to need it. So, we're going to start by going... Oops. I'm going to start by going... I did this with my assassin yesterday. It went great until I died like twice. All right, we're going to go northeast. Or not. Wait. Are we going to go northeast? Nope I always get lost. Ah, here's one. All right. Okay, we're going to go through the first hole. All right, there is a piece. A mechanism that we need to walk to. So, we're going to walk to that. And there, you push the button. Okay. Let's go to the mechanism. Let's go to the stone wall. This is right. There should be a bore there. Um... Let's see if I can remember to go ... Oh, fisher. I think it's on the other side of this fisher It's too bad I can't use Shift-A to track these holes. Not in this dungeon, I can in some dungeons, not all of them. I think I already went in this hole, let me see. Yes I did. It's uh... Oh shit, I forgot where it is. Oh, there it is. No, I don't... I need two stone balls I think.

[screen reader] rock.
[screen reader] 33 minutes and 6 seconds remaining. 36,389, 25,786. Mountain stream west T shaped mountain stream mountain stream

[narrator] Oh, here we go. Maybe?

[screen reader] Mountain stream. North west turn mountain stream west t shaped mountaihn stream south east turn south east turn mountain stream

[narrator] Oh, I don't have a stone ball, I need to find... Oh, there it is.

[screen reader]west t shaped] mountain stream hill side mountain stream west t shaped mountain stream west t shaped mountain stream mountain stream

[narrator] What the hell?

[SCREENREADER] mountain stream west t shaped mountain stream mountain stream mountain stream

[narrator] There's the first cavern that I was in, right here. That's definitely not it. God damn it, I'm lost.

[screen reader] mountain stream] west t shaped mountain stream mountain stream west t shaped Mountain stream. Mountain stream mountain stream mountain stream

[narrator] There it is.

[screen reader] west t shaped mountain stream [narrator] The boss in this dungeon, but it was a joke, though.

[screen reader] mountain stream mountain stream mountain stream [narrator] This is the one that killed me. As an assassin Alright, here we go. Boss time.

[screen reader] 61,000. [narrator] This should actually be easy. Alright. There we go. Now, let's... Let's walk back to Big rock. There's the water fall. We're tracking northeast here, sort of. Yeah, so I didn't go far enough west. I didn't go far enough south. So we're going to be tracking the reservoir. Until we get to Middle Lake. There we go. Now we're going to track north. Away from the snake. Bye bye, snake.

[screen reader] North Lake.

[Narrator] Good. Now we're going to go east. We're steadily tracking north every once in a while. Oh, perfect. So i'll run out just as I get to Big rock. Perfect. Lovely. Now let's go northeast. I'm just north. Alright. Now we're going east. And we're going to run out just as I get to Big rock. Oh, fun! Yay! Alright. And we are going to sell this crystal because I don't need it. Let's sell it for 500 gold. Alright. Anything else I can sell? Nope. But my fusion beast should be disappearing any time. Like, well... Right about now. So with that, we will see you later. Yay! Oh. Oh. Oh god. Wonderful. I don't think I'm going to edit this out. No, no, no. I'm out. Thanks for listening to the Fun-Filled Podcast. If you have any questions, please email tffppodcast at gmail.com. We are also on youtube at youtube.com slash at ke7zum. Our Twitch is at twitch.tv slash ke7zum. If you would like to converse with us, you may find us on Mastodon at mastodon.social slash at sign tffp. If you want to support us in the form of a monthly contribution, you may leave a tip in the tip jar by going to listen.tffppodcast.com and clicking the tip jar link. Finally, please consider leaving a five-star rating on itunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Thanks so much for your support.

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Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

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1 year ago

Mistworld: recycling stuff, and and apology


Welcome to an apology. I made a mistake. Basically, I didn’t know the recycling station was divided up into categories. I owe the mw devs an apology, here it is in mp3 form. I’m so sorry I got upset.


Okay, so we are going to very quickly try something under the sarahphena character. Because I think I messed up and I owe the...if I did mess up I owe the mist world devs an apology. Oh, Let's go to sunset. So we are going to do whatever we can to avoid civilian kirk. Because he annoys the hell out of me. We're going to recycle it. Okay. God damn. Robin, maybe you should just go die you... Go away. Is there anything you need? There's a breeding garden off to my left, there's a restaurant. Where's the recycle station? Now, I didn't realize the recycling station has categories. So, I...as Tanya, my assassin, I recycled the necklace that I should not have recycled. Oopsy doodle. So yeah, that was not supposed to happen. So... You were the one who had to do the recycling. Yep, that's what I thought. So, had I actually checked under...shut up. Had I actually checked under... Why would you recycle a fusion beast? Just why? Had I used the equipment, I would have gotten my necklace back. Which, yeah. I don't have to worry about that now, but yeah. That was my fault. I'm not really sure what to do with that necklace-shut up, Kirk. Oh, shut up! I just want to kill you. . You sicko celebrity. Shut up. I wouldn't know what to do if my necklace were to have broken though. So yeah, oops. So yeah, I do owe the mist World devs an apology. I forgot to look. So, no, I didn't know. Honestly, I did not know that the recycling station was divided into things that I’ve never actually looked at. I've never actually had to retrieve stuff, or maybe I just forgot. So, I'll look for that for next time, and if you ever lose your recycling equipment, you will know that too. Or if you ever lose the equipment or whatever, accidentally recycle something, you'll know that I've never recycled items too, I don't know. That's probably why I don't remember. Alright, so let's log out of here, and I will talk to you guys later.

Thanks for listening to the Fun Filled Podcast. If you have any questions, please email tffppodcast at gmail.com. We are also on YouTube at youtube.com slash at K-E-7-Z-U-M. Our Twitch is at twitch.tv/KE7ZUM. If you would like to converse with us, you may find us on Mastodon at mastodon.social/@tffp. If you want to support us in the form of a monthly contribution, you may leave a tip in the tip jar by going to listen.tffppodcast.com and clicking the tip jar link. Finally, please consider leaving a 5-star rating on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Thanks so much for your support!

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Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

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1 year ago

Mistworld: let's teach

Welcome to MistWorld.

In this segment, we teach, well, kind of. Ok, not really. Atg level 60 you can be a mentgor and do duingeosn where the player has to give you stuff to complete stuff on the othetr side of a dungeon. I could not really explain the layuout, so I really erge you to where headphones.

Thanks to eleven labs for my voice at the end. If you want to support us you can either visit my ko-fi page or leave a tip in the tip jar.

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1 year ago


Welcome to part 02 of the wedding in mist world. We ended with part of a pig chase, and we begin with part 2 of that pig chase. Sorry I had to reupload. I messed up a bit. Also, thanks so much for your support and thanks to eleven labs for the outro using my voice.

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1 year ago

mist world,, an in game wedding part 01

Welcome to mist world. If you wanted to see an in game wedding that is just weird, this is it. We have pigs, yes, pigs that people catch. We also have gold,, and a very cool location.

We are also now on co fi. So please consider supporting us there during our youtube streams which you can access by subscribing to our channel. Enjoy the wedding in game.

Thanks eleven labs for my voice.

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1 year ago

mist world: gang mission: into the basement

Welcome to tffp.

In this episode I take you through to a basement where there are, well, bugs, lots of bugs! I don’t mean the software kind either. I have other good news. We are also now partnered up with zen caster so expect some adds either pre-role,, post role or mid role. If you don’t want to see adds and you want content at is not broken up, subscribe using our tip jar. We are sort of also on ko-fi, well, our sister project is. Visit them here.

Thanks to eleven labs for my voice. I look forward to more useful things I can do over there.

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Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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1 year ago

mist world: bandit rescue

welcome to mist world

So, it's time to rescue a kidnapped daughter. If you are lucky enough to be in a gang AKA guild with this mission, do it. I love this mission, it is one of the easiest misdsions besides the one where yhou hnelp to craft a coat.

At the end of the ep, you get to hear a test by eleven labs done in my voice regarding the outro. I hope you like it.

Thanks so much for your support. If you want to leave a tip you mayh do so in the tip jar by going to our website and clicking the tip jar link. You mayh also leave a 5 star rating where ever you listen to your podcasts. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

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Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

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1 year ago

an interview with the author of this podcast

Welcome to TFFP. Introducing, well, me.  Here is an updated interview from the podcaster of “Who’s blind life is it anyway.” Look for that podcast on iTunes Spotify  or where ever you get your podcasts. We discuss the education system here in the US, and much much more from my almost 40 years of experience of life.  Enjoy. At the end we hear an outro done by eleven labs. Check them out at http://www.elevenlabs.io/ and see what they can do for you.

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1 year ago

Mist world: into the daemon spy dungeon!

Welcome to tffp!

In today’s episode I take you through the daemon spy dungeon located in the south east corner of Metal Village. We encounter about 23 to 25 enemies in total and I proceed to get lost. Lol. The object is to kill 3 Lieutenant mobs. You get I believe 20k experience and some currency.

To learn more aboutr the4 game and download the portable version ( recommended), Check out their website.

Thanks all for your support. If you want to see the featured section where I host some full episodes plus content not on the regular feed, go to the podcasts’ website and click the “tip jar” link. See you there.

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Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

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1 year ago

mist world: 2 ways to gather herbs

Welcome to tFFP!

In this episode, we look at mist world and 2 ways to fish, gather herbs and or mine. In my case it’s herb gathering. You have a gang if you joined one, I highly encourage you to do so, or if you did not you can go into someone else’s gang and pay. You will get more from there than you will in game plus it’s safer. You can also gather in the forest, mine underground or fish at a river. I hope you enjoy.

Thanks for your support. If you want to support what we do every month, please consider a monthly tip of $5 or less. It really means a lot. Head on over to our website, then click the tip jar link. It is totally accessible for the blind.

Support Welcome to TFFP! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/tffp

Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

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1 year ago

mist world: the barrier dungeon

Table of Contents

Welcome to tffp!

A note about upcoming content

Welcome to tffp!

In this episode I talk you through the barrier dungeon. You are forced to do this one on your own. I did make an error in the description of the boulders; I did correct that to 19 tiles not 3. Sorry about that.

If you want to support us, please leave a monthly tip by clicking the link to our website, and clicking the tip jar link.

A note about upcoming content

I have a surprise for you all. I was featured on a podcast which will be released January of this year. Watch for that announcement in your feed. Thanks to all of you who have supported me over the past, I hope you will continue to spread the word.

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Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

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1 year ago

playing mist world: the shrine

Welcome to mist world. Sadly I will not  be able to provide any more podcasts of this game due to copyright issues. I do not want to get into trouble. This  is why it's not being placed as featured as well. Anyway if you want to check out mist world go to http://audioigames.net and check out the new releases page on the forums..Episode Notes

Notes go here

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1 year ago

having fun with bk3: the jukebox key

Welcome to TFFP!

Happy holidays to everyone. May you have a safe one.

Today we have fun with bk3. I don’t exactly have a link, google for b k-iii, or go to the audiogames.net website. The site is in Japanese, so you might translate in edge. This author has released games such as screaming strike which I reviewed sometime last year. I also reviewed Marina break as well by the same author. I hope you enjoy.

If you wou7ld like to support the podcast, please go to our website and click the “tip jar” link. I also will be out until February due to a family situation and an upcoming operation. I’ll try and produce content as time allows, however right now my physical and mental health come first.

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Find out more at https://tffp.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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