Introducing Stem Roller: a way to separate music into base, drum, vocals and more

Okay, this is going to actually be take two of the demo of this demo that I just recorded because my mic volume was at 0% for whatever reason. No, 28% for whatever reason. And I don't remember lowering it. So something lowered my mic. So we're going to be actually going over. Demux and I do have some stuff split, but I'm going to show you how to do this and we're going to take a tour. We're going to load up. Actually, we're just going to get rid of this for now because I do want to show off actually splitting a file. We're going to import this into reefer. We're going to import this folder.
Speaker B:Dialogue no time selection active removed.
Speaker A:There we go.
Speaker B:Zero minutes. Press five tracks, five items.
Speaker A:So it is going to start out just a little bit loud because what we have. What stem roller. Okay, so this is going to be a look at stem Roller, which uses demux and excuse the pronunciation because. Yeah, I don't know how to pronounce it. All right, so it'll split into five tracks. Well, in this case it'll split into five tracks. Bass, drums, instrumental, vocal and other. So this is going to start out a little bit loud.
Speaker B:One base one base one item.
Speaker A:So I'm going to turn the master down. Maybe I can't. Why?
Speaker B:One base one. Master track. Zero.
Speaker A:Why can't I turn the master down? Come on.
Speaker B:Track. Zero track.
Speaker A:Really? I can't turn the master down.
Speaker B:Item minus one. Item zero. One base one master.
Speaker A:That's a little bit OD.
Speaker B:Zero point 150.10 min.
Speaker C:Zero.
Speaker A:Why can't I turn the master down? That's not cool.
Speaker C:Track.
Speaker B:-0.5 okay. Master track minus zero point. -0.9 I can't.
Speaker A:0.9 hit shift and Alt and down Arrow to turn down the master track. But I can hit Alt down Arrow and turn down the master track.
Speaker B:-3.1 I don't know.
Speaker A:But we have the 0.1 thing turned down, so it's not that loud. Thank God. So we have bass solo.
Speaker D:That solo.
Speaker A:I have solo in front enabled. All right, let's all the drums. This is actually toe tapping. And then next track, the instrumental home.
Speaker C:It.
Speaker A:We don't have any vocals.
Speaker B:Which I'm.
Speaker A:Going to solo now.
Speaker B:That's my solo.
Speaker A:I like that piano. And for whatever reason, it thinks the bass is the saxophone.
Speaker B:Oh, no.
Speaker A:Yeah, that's right. That's right.
Speaker C:That's righteous.
Speaker A:This thing isn't perfect. I'm going to tell you right now, I'm going to be open and honest with you guys. This thing is not perfect. It can mess things up. I first heard of Demux, I believe, in 2002. And before I go on, apologize because I forgot to make this thing full screen. I think so.
Speaker B:Oops.
Speaker A:I apologize if you were just looking at the full the right hand corner of the screen. Left hand corner. However, I have the default laid out. I wish I could actually set a default, but I can't. Okay, so I first heard of Demux in about 2022, I think maybe late 2021. Early 2022. I don't remember now. I believe I was unmastered on when I heard about this, but again, I don't remember now. And oh cool. You can separate tracks. It's not perfect, but why would you want to use this? Well, let's say I play bass. I don't, but let's say I play bass zero point. And I'm learning this particular song. I could just choose one bass, one item solo. The bass solo and learn it's. Or let's say I'm learning piano. I can solve all that. Well, okay. Oh, it got the flute in there too. That's okay.
Speaker B:Reinstall one.
Speaker D:Like four vocals, one item.
Speaker A:Why it got the. Why it got the trumpets and force whatever in there, I don't know why. Yeah.
Speaker B:Solo.
Speaker A:This shouldn't be in there. That's the instrumental track.
Speaker C:Unit.
Speaker B:I'm.
Speaker A:So how does this thing work? Well, it's going to be a slow ride selected.
Speaker B:Five tracks removed.
Speaker A:But I'm going to take you through the interface of Demux now or of stemroller Now. Demux I think was originally for Linux. You could run it on Windows, but it was slow. This is slow, by the way. This is still going to be slow. So the interface is actually very simple to use.
Speaker B:Rate Rate 60 unsaved Project Stem Roller column three stem so now that I.
Speaker A:Remember to slow down my screen reader.
Speaker B:Search edit type any song.
Speaker A:I'm now in the stem roller interface search edit so we have at the top search which I can search for a song we might actually play with that.
Speaker B:Type Any song title in the search.
Speaker A:Bar above it, I believe uses YouTube.
Speaker B:Or button select the local file score device.
Speaker A:I do have a local song on my device, but we're going to Pro tip.
Speaker B:You can also drag local files from a file Explorer and drop them onto this window to split M button publicum Declan DP button Open yeah, this is.
Speaker A:Going to air out because I deleted.
Speaker B:The folder button button, probably.
Speaker A:So let's clear that with the unlabeled.
Speaker B:Button document button stems output path stems.
Speaker A:Output path is set to my music.
Speaker B:C users Mary Music Stem roll folder.
Speaker A:I can change that if I wanted to.
Speaker B:Snap button Preferences oh Button Button button I skipped a button Preferences Tab Pro Tab button preferences Button Open source Button support button Donate I can open the.
Speaker A:Preferences I can open support I can donate which I might maybe not this time around, but I might consider it preferences button so we have now preferences output path stems output path it's set to my music folder and stem roller by default.
Speaker B:C Users Mary Music Stem Roller button Browse stems Output format Combo box collapse.
Speaker A:Wav My output way is wave I can do waiver MP3 Flack would have been nice, but that's okay. Back end my back end stuff try.
Speaker B:Always use CPU if splitting fails on your device.
Speaker A:Okay, so I have this CPU combo.
Speaker B:Box collapse always excuse me, the choices we have use CUDA if available if available always use CPU use CUDA we're going to make combo box use Q drop files here.
Speaker A:Drop files here. That's it. This interface is dead simple. You can also use this online as well, which is nice. So yeah, I can also use this online. The interface looks exactly the same. So let's suppose I didn't have the CPU.
Speaker B:If I run dial go to chrome.
Speaker A:I forgot the URL history List of.
Speaker B:History Save road who chat discord chats Bartz Stem Roller make stems instrumental or Acapella version of Stem Roller yes, you.
Speaker A:Can do the Acapella version. You can make Acapella. It's not perfect. Like I said, it is not perfect.
Speaker B:Stemroller make stem chat redirecting stemroller HTtPS chat locate so it's Stem Download link Download link Donate Link Split Button Split button Split button button button.
Speaker A:Split I don't know why there are four split buttons.
Speaker B:Search Edit Unavailable Search any song artist.
Speaker A:And it's grayed out.
Speaker B:Oh Split Button Search and no previous false Split Search Edit Unavailable split Split button Split Split button Split button Donate link Split button stem Roller make stem processing Button stem Roller make stems and open button Donate link okay, so this.
Speaker A:Appears just to be a sample, but yeah.
Speaker B:Explorer Stem Roller One Column One One nine stem roller actually split Search editing Let's search for bubble gum.
Speaker A:Oops, I can't type bubble Selected gum.
Speaker B:Bubble gum Bubble gum Declan and I.
Speaker A:Cannot spell his name, so let's hope it found it.
Speaker B:Three Publicum Declan DP no Copyright Music Audio Library Music for content Creators all.
Speaker A:Right, so it found it.
Speaker B:Button Split two with Declan DP 257 Declan DP Publicum Royalty Free Music Declan DP Button Split 30 Three Publicum Declan DP Button Split One Declan DP but 10 00:15 Declan 1 Hour Good Music Declan DP Publicum 1 hour I do.
Speaker A:Not want to split this for an hour.
Speaker B:But deck bub three but deck Declan DP Two but Audio Publicum Three Search Edit Search at Three public Audio Library.
Speaker A:Button Split so yeah, let's just not upload this and let's just document.
Speaker B:Document button queued so it's queued right now.
Speaker A:I've never actually done it this way, but yeah.
Speaker B:Audio Library Music for Content Button Processing.
Speaker A:0% Processing now at 0% now this is going to slow down the PC.
Speaker B:Audio Button Processing 0% Declan DP Publicum 257 Button processing 0%.
Speaker A:I could have, by the way, done this locally because there is a upload files to the computer.
Speaker B:Audio Bublicum Three Search Search Edit Bubblegum.
Speaker A:Declan so if I were to clear.
Speaker B:This Bubblegum blank, type any song type or button, select the local file stored on your device. Pro Tip hit them. Button Unavailable Bubblegum Declan DP no Copyright.
Speaker A:Music so as you can see, this is dimmed.
Speaker B:Button unavailable processing 6% processing is at 6%.
Speaker A:Now if I had something else to split, I could do probably more than one, but it would take close to an hour. So what I'm going to do is actually pause this and then come back when we're done splitting. Okay, let's talk. So we are almost done. It took about maybe, I don't know, three, four minutes to process this, maybe. Yeah, about five minutes to process this three minute song.
Speaker B:Now button button open. We have button publicum Declan DP no Copyright music the folder.
Speaker A:If I were to click this, it will open the file folder rather public of Declan. And if you remember, the folder was stored under my music directory and stemroller another name of the folder song with a whole bunch of numbers in case. Just in case, I guess, I don't know.
Speaker B:Drums wa two five bass, wav so.
Speaker A:Now we have, excuse me. Now we have bass, drums, drums, instrumental, instrumental.
Speaker B:Five vocals. Wab five and vocals.
Speaker A:Now there are some vocals in this song.
Speaker B:So unsaved. Zero. Zero tracks removed. No tracks. Zero. Let's import this into separate tracks. Prep five tracks. So we have 0.4 and three drums. Two bay one master.
Speaker A:And I'm going to track the master.
Speaker B:Down minus three point minus four, minus five point.
Speaker A:A little bit more here. There we go.
Speaker B:Zero. Because it's a low set.
Speaker A:All right, so one vocals, one soloed. Oh, the vocals are first this time. Okay, whatever. And then if we solo and solo.
Speaker B:Soloed the next track. One item.
Speaker A:Going to solo the next track now, which is the drums. It catches the clapping, which is really cool. Drums are going to come in nowhere. I have solo in front, so you can hear the rest of the instrumental.
Speaker B:Mix, because that's just.
Speaker A:I just prefer that. All right, soloing the next track now.
Speaker D:Unfortunately. Instrumental.
Speaker A:Instrumental. It's not perfect. It really isn't. Let's go.
Speaker B:The vocals, one vocals, one solo. Master One solo vocals, one item. Master One solo vocal.
Speaker C:K.
Speaker A:No, the discord was not part of the part of the song. What I'm going to probably do is take you guys out with the whole entire song the way it's supposed to sound, not rendered like this. There are vocals here, right here. And it got it.
Speaker C:Ready.
Speaker A:I actually didn't know that was in there. Wow. Or I forgot. Here's another vocals section. There we go. You could literally create acapella things.
Speaker B:Let's suppose I wanted to solo Master One. Book two bass, one.
Speaker A:I could literally.
Speaker B:Three, four, five. Selected four tracks. Copied.
Speaker A:Open a new project.
Speaker B:Unsaved, 0.4 tracks. Four items.
Speaker A:Copy this. Zero we have now. Okay, let's fix this up a little bit.
Speaker D:Four. Select another one item. Three instrumental. Four other one item. Solo, unsolved, unmuted. Three. Muted drums, one item. Three muted instrumental one item. Four other one item. Three, two, one base one item. One base one item.
Speaker A:Let's bring the bass down just a bit.
Speaker B:Track minus one.
Speaker D:Mike. Mike. Mike. Mike.
Speaker B:M minus eight track Mike minus five.
Speaker D:Mike minus three. Two drums one item. Three new instrumental one by four other one item. Dragonite might minus six.
Speaker B:Dragonite.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker D:Three muted instruments do drums one item.
Speaker A:Well, now.
Speaker D:Dragonite might minus six. Mike minus eight.
Speaker A:Let's bring the drums down a little bit.
Speaker D:Instrumental one item.
Speaker A:I actually don't know. Remember, this is a solo.
Speaker B:We don't need this.
Speaker A:We don't need this. In this case.
Speaker C:It.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker D:One base one item.
Speaker B:Master track visible. Master One thing master. All right, let's add FX to master. Clean add button. Cancel button zero. Folders FX change list one list. Chain, chain, chain. Compress and egg one. FX Master Track Dialog G One unsaved.
Speaker A:I always use this, by the way, for that effective chain that I just put on there on my master.
Speaker D:Master.
Speaker A:I don't like the way the bass is.
Speaker D:Minus minus six, minus seven.
Speaker A:Let's turn that down a bit.
Speaker D:Drag minus six.
Speaker B:Track minus eight, minus nine.
Speaker D:Two drums one item, three units for.
Speaker B:Four other one items drag my -17.
Speaker A:There we go. Like I said, if I were doing this professionally or whatever, it'd probably sound like if I were mixing this a little better for someone, let's say like this instrumentally, they wanted to hear, they didn't want the vocals. Of course I would tweak it, I would make some more changes or whatever. But let's say I wanted to render.
Speaker B:This render Dialogue MS Render to the Dropbox Wrap the Red I'm Tail Checkbox Edit Selected 1000 I'm not going to go over output grouping browse Button Any file name Wildcats but create presets here but context menu Route Direct I'm Tail Resets Bounds Resets Render this options and for all settings Submet Project Render settings P Three mounts and Output Submenu Pirate P Save Rename Delete your Tube Save Rename Mount Options and format sub All MPM PMP Three M Render to file Dial Presets Time bounds Grouping Tail Just because we can edit Selected 1000 outbreak Wildcards button Render to edit Red Only selected D drop and that was saved.
Speaker A:Yeah. Like I said, it's not perfect. It really isn't. But let's say I wanted to take you out with that track. I could. Don't know if I'll do it, but I don't know. We'll see. But yeah. By the way, if you want like over three K tracks, you can search the YouTube Audio library. My favorite artist is Declan. We also have silent partner who I like Jingle Cats. I like around the holidays right about now at the time of this recording. Just really good stuff and some of them not so good, but it works. All righty, there we go. Have fun you guys.
It's a review of an audio extractor this time. It's called stemroller and can be used for, well, use your imagination.
I took 2 tracks and extracted one to demonstrate how this program worked, I used the first one to show the output after extraction and then showed how the program worked live. How do you use demucs, how would you use this program? I even made a rushed mix but decided to end with the original so you can hear what the original sounded like before I messed with it. Enjoy. You can visit their site to download this app from their website.
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