Welcome to TFFP!
a podcast covering software, hardware, and more.
4 years ago

looking at buffr for iOs

I was asked to do this podcast on buffr, an app for schedulign posts on multiple social networks. You can visit buffr.com or if that is wrong, look up buffr on yoru favorite search platform. If you want to support us you can become a patron at...

I was asked to do this podcast on buffr, an app for schedulign posts on multiple social networks. You can visit buffr.com or if that is wrong, look up buffr on yoru favorite search platform. If you want to support us you can become a patron at patreon.com/tffppodcast and chat with us live at chat.tffppodcast.com You can even view our exclusive content that might not show up for months at lbry.tv/@tffppodcast